Tuesday, December 17, 2013

"Storyville: My Ten Favorite Short Stories of 2013" by Richard Thomas in Lit Reactor (featuring the knockout prose of Lindsay Hunter)

Thomas's list includes George Saunders, Benjamin Percy, and one of my favorite authors of 2013, Lindsay Hunter. The featured story is "Three Things You Should Know About Peggy Paula" ....

The man had a dimple in his chin and a wedding ring, that thumb on her wrist like she was his and he was making it known, and Peggy Paula had him over for pot roast and ice cream two nights later and lowered herself onto him so slowly that he cried out in frustration, Peggy Paula still stunned at this man before her, wondering how exactly it had happened, and then when he grabbed her hips to move her the way he wanted not wondering about anything at all.

Read the entire story here, in Electric Literature.

Here are my blog posts in '13 from Hunter's stories:
* "My Boyfriend Del"
* "That Baby"
* "My Brother"
* "Finding There"

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